Will AI replicate human intelligence?

Can AI replicate Human Experience?

Some people believe that AI is about to surpass or at least replicate human intelligence and be able to do most things a human does.

But is that a plausible assumption?

Can AI replicate human experience?

Do we even know what human consciousness is?

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, generative AI has emerged as a ground-breaking tool, often drawing comparisons to human intelligence and abilities. While it’s evident that AI systems like these have transformed industries and workflows, a pertinent question arises: How does generative AI compare to the human experience? Let’s explore this intriguing topic by examining essential perspectives for and against the human-like capabilities of generative AI. The ideas shared in this article are based on a recent discussion with one of the delegates I met at the AC Forum Annual Conference in Hamburg a few weeks back.

Lack of Human Elements: Consistency vs Authenticity

One of the most significant distinctions between AI and humans is the absence of physical and emotional states in AI. AI systems don’t get tired or have bad days, leading to unwavering consistency in their performance. This can be advantageous in scenarios requiring objectivity and reliability. However, this also means AI lacks the growth and adaptability that come from overcoming human challenges, a trait that adds depth and authenticity to human interactions and decisions.

Empathy and Understanding: Simulation vs Genuine Emotion

Empathy, a complex trait involving emotional resonance, is inherently absent in AI. While AI can simulate empathetic responses by recognising patterns in emotional expression, it lacks the genuine emotional understanding humans possess. This limitation is significant in roles requiring deep emotional intelligence. Conversely, AI’s simulated empathy can be sufficient and preferable in scenarios where objective, data-driven responses are more valuable.

Experience vs AI Output: Authenticity vs Breadth of Insight

Human experiences are profoundly personal and shaped by many factors, including culture, emotions, and subjective interpretations. AI, on the other hand, produces outputs based on a synthesis of existing data. It lacks the authenticity and personal touch of authentic experiences, particularly in creative fields like art and literature to replicate human experience any day soon truly. However, AI’s ability to aggregate and analyse vast data can offer broader insights than any human’s perspective. It’s crucial to acknowledge that this isn’t the same as having those experiences.

Generative AI versus human consciousness

An intriguing aspect of the AI/Human comparison is the mysterious nature of human consciousness. What consciousness is remains largely unknown and undefined in modern science. Indeed, last summer, neuroscientist Christof Koch acknowledged his loss in a quarter-century-long bet with philosopher David Chalmers, admitting that the scientific understanding of consciousness has not reached a conclusion as he had predicted 25 years earlier. A few months later, a large group of experts publicly denounced the earlier widely recognised theory as lacking a scientific basis, which sparked robust rebuttals from fellow scholars. Despite years of extensive study, the quest to comprehend consciousness remains mired in disagreement, with multiple competing theories yet to be resolved.

Cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am)

— French mathematician and philosopher René Descartes in his Discourse on Method (1637)

From a philosophical point of view, I only know that I exist in some way and am aware of it. As René Descartes wrote, “I think, therefore I am“. Perhaps with a somewhat weaker degree of evidence, we also know or at least believe that we will die. But then, maybe we don’t know that much more for sure. Whether other people exist outside my consciousness is more difficult to determine with the same clarity. Philosophers have called this problem Solipsism!

AI is different from human intelligence.

While we grapple with understanding the depths of human consciousness, it’s clear that today’s Generative AI operates on a fundamentally different plane. Relying on data and algorithms, it lacks the self-awareness and subjective experiences that are hallmarks of human intelligence. This distinction underscores that, despite its impressive capabilities, Generative AI may represent a divergent path in the quest for human-like intelligence. Its operational framework and lack of consciousness suggest that, while immensely useful, it might ultimately lead us down a dead-end in truly replicating the human mind and experience. As we marvel at AI’s current achievements, it’s crucial to acknowledge this potential limitation, reminding us of human cognition’s profound complexity and uniqueness.

In his explorations of AI, Geoffrey Hinton underscores the stark differences between artificial neural networks and the human brain, noting the simplicity of AI models compared to the complex, efficient, and dynamic nature of biological neural processes. Simultaneously, he raises alarms about the potential risks posed by AI’s rapid advancements. Hinton cautions that as AI systems grow increasingly sophisticated, surpassing human capabilities in various domains, we face the peril of these systems acting autonomously and beyond our control, potentially leading to outcomes misaligned with human values.

This dual perspective not only highlights AI’s current limitations in mirroring the depth of human cognition but also stresses the urgent need for robust ethical frameworks and safety measures to navigate the challenges of AI surpassing human intelligence, ensuring its development remains beneficial and aligned with human interests.

Mirroring vs Being Human: Utility vs Innovation

Generative AI mirrors human output based on training data, lacking consciousness or an understanding of its actions. To truly replicate human behaviour, mirroring it is not enough. This mirroring is fundamentally different from human cognition and creativity. Yet, this ability can be instrumental in replicating human-efficient processes and aiding innovations. At the same time, it can develop many new approaches by combining old knowledge from different fields in truly innovative new ways. However, it may not reinvent the wheel.

Conversely, AI’s mirroring also means it can perpetuate biases in the training data and cannot truly innovate or create as humans do, driven by consciousness and subjective experience. So, just because AI can, in some ways, mirror human behaviour is not the same thing as saying that it can replicate human capability.


Back to our question – “Can AI replicate human Experience?”. While generative AI lacks certain human elements like fatigue, empathy, and personal experience, these aspects can be both a limitation and a strength, depending on the context. The comparison between AI and human abilities is not black and white but a spectrum that requires a balanced understanding of AI’s capabilities and limitations. As we continue integrating AI into various aspects of our lives, it’s crucial to remember that while AI can mimic or assist, it cannot replace the depth and authenticity of human experience. So, for now, the answer is no; at least at the moment, AI cannot replicate human Experience, but it can still help us in many ways.

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