Celebrating 20 years

Celebrating 20 years in business

‘‘It took almost a year to get there but Gislen Software was started in September 1994. On September 11, 2014 we celebrated 20 years in business. All our current employees with their families, along with some former employees were present. Our board members and some of our clients, important partners and Contacts from the city came together to ensure that the 20 years were celebrated in style.

The event started with a 10 minutes review of our history. This was done using a fast-paced slideshow showing some 250 photos and screenshots of employees, families, clients, software solutions etc. This was followed by talks by our current board members and a keynote talk jointly done by some of the managers. The talks were interspersed by cultural performances by Girls from Little Lambs School who danced traditional Indian dances and Children of employees who sang a couple of songs in Tamil.

Hans Sollerman, Managing Director of e-man spoke about his experience working with us. e-man also took the opportunity to make a donation to Little Lambs School.
Three employees who joined us recently shared their experiences of working with Gislen Software.

As a special gesture, a donation was given to Little Lambs School (which we have founded and have supported over the years) in the form of a large-sized cheque of Rs. 1 million. The event ended with a buffet dinner.

In the following evening, there was an informal cocktail party held at our office for employees and visiting clients including e-man, SAS, Felton and Xoanon.

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