Category: Sustainability

This page offers comprehensive insights into sustainability and its impact on businesses and the environment. It covers essential topics such as reducing carbon footprints, promoting ethical practices, and integrating sustainable initiatives into everyday operations. With a focus on long-term environmental responsibility, the page demonstrates how adopting sustainability benefits the planet and drives business success. Explore actionable steps and strategies for fostering a sustainable future while enhancing your company’s performance and reputation.

Becoming carbon-neutral isn’t just a ‘nice to have’ It’s a strategic imperative and it is becoming increasingly important!

This article describes our journey and explains what you can do. It is easier, more cost-effective, and more beneficial than you think

For the last accounting year 2022-23 we contributed to two different United Nations sponsored projects in India.

However the total number of carbon equivalents was still three times our actual calculated footprint of 160 tons.


Green IT is a term which covers how IT can reduce its environmental impact. IT likely stands for more greenhouse gases than air travel and will likely increase its environmental footprint.

This article gives a background to how the IT sector affects the environment and it also suggests ways we all can reduce our environmental footprint.

For the last accounting year 2021-22 we contributed to three different United Nations sponsored projects in India.

However the total number of carbon equivalents was still three times our actual footprint of 76 tons. The carbon footprint was low due to the pandemic.

We have compensated three times our actual carbon footprint on three different projects. This is for the accounting year 1/4/2020-31/3/2021. Our carbon footprint for last year was only 96 tons. This was mainly due to the pandemic.

Here are the certificates!

We have compensated three times our actual carbon footprint to three projects. This is for the accounting year 1/4/2019-31/3/2020. Our carbon footprint was 125 tons.

Here are the certificates!

Carbon neutral

We are carbon-neutral! We use a combination of solar panels, energy efficiency and offsetting the rest via credits such as trees, wind and hydropower!

We invested in solar panels in 2013. Since then we extended the plant, replaced light tubes with LED, and changed our old ACs to more efficient ACs.

We want to reduce our environmental footprint and we are committed to sustainable practices.

Join us in creating a greener future and learn how small steps like saving energy and reducing plastic use make a big difference.

Carbon-Neutral with solar panels on the roof

We invested in solar panels for sustainable, uninterrupted power, and to reduce our carbon footprint

Also to ensuring a cool, reliable workspace despite frequent power cuts.